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Monday, June 1, 2009

On Sex Scandal

Enough for the Sex Scandal issue. For two weeks now, you can still hear and read it in radio, television and newspaper. People everywhere from different ages are talking about it. Some are happily telling others on that they already watched the video. Others are expressing their desire to watch it if given the opportunity. I heard from my friends that even employees from private and government offices watched it during office hours. Many are giving their comments on the issue. It's the talk of the town. No doubt it's the hottest issue of today that it even reached the Senate. It's already annoying, enough of this!

In the office where I'm staying for my OJT, after having my lunch one afternoon as I enter the office, the employees invited me to watch the video but I just smiled and went to a place where I can't see the video but I can still hear the noise created by the video. As they watch I heard one of them commented, “Ang bastos talaga nyang Hayden na yan, and maniac!” I asked myself, “Ano kaya tawag nya sa sarili nya?”

Folks, what these people need is not judgment but love and compassion. Yes, these girls and including Hayden and his mom needs love and compassion not judgment. Their lives are ruined. They might carry this scandal in their lifetime. I believe they did not plan this to happen to them. They really don't want it. But, what else can they do? It's done. They are harassed and helpless. Their lives were wrecked but do we forget that there's still hope for them? They can still live a new life because Jesus died for them too. The God of Hope cares for these peole.

As Christians, let's pray for them. If given the opportunity to talk to them or if we have a connection to them , let's tell them about the HOPE- the Lord Jesus Christ. Tell them about how the Lord loves them and that He died for them. The enemy might seem to have been successful in his plan to destroy them but “NO”, it's not yet the end for them for Jesus came to give them life to the full. God is their Restorer. He is able to restore everything they've. They can still be made new if they will give their lives to Jesus.


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