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Monday, June 1, 2009

On Sex Scandal

Enough for the Sex Scandal issue. For two weeks now, you can still hear and read it in radio, television and newspaper. People everywhere from different ages are talking about it. Some are happily telling others on that they already watched the video. Others are expressing their desire to watch it if given the opportunity. I heard from my friends that even employees from private and government offices watched it during office hours. Many are giving their comments on the issue. It's the talk of the town. No doubt it's the hottest issue of today that it even reached the Senate. It's already annoying, enough of this!

In the office where I'm staying for my OJT, after having my lunch one afternoon as I enter the office, the employees invited me to watch the video but I just smiled and went to a place where I can't see the video but I can still hear the noise created by the video. As they watch I heard one of them commented, “Ang bastos talaga nyang Hayden na yan, and maniac!” I asked myself, “Ano kaya tawag nya sa sarili nya?”

Folks, what these people need is not judgment but love and compassion. Yes, these girls and including Hayden and his mom needs love and compassion not judgment. Their lives are ruined. They might carry this scandal in their lifetime. I believe they did not plan this to happen to them. They really don't want it. But, what else can they do? It's done. They are harassed and helpless. Their lives were wrecked but do we forget that there's still hope for them? They can still live a new life because Jesus died for them too. The God of Hope cares for these peole.

As Christians, let's pray for them. If given the opportunity to talk to them or if we have a connection to them , let's tell them about the HOPE- the Lord Jesus Christ. Tell them about how the Lord loves them and that He died for them. The enemy might seem to have been successful in his plan to destroy them but “NO”, it's not yet the end for them for Jesus came to give them life to the full. God is their Restorer. He is able to restore everything they've. They can still be made new if they will give their lives to Jesus.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

God's Grace and Power at Work ( A personal testimony)

(This might be too long but I just made sure to detail everything. Please take time to read.)

I've been thinking to blog about this last Friday but I wasn't able to find time because of my busy sked. I'm so excited to share it but I'm also thinking if I'm going to blog it because it's a little bit sensitive. But, last night I can sleep and I felt compared to share it. I was reminded that we can overcome the enemy by the word of our testimony so here it goes.

Thursday morning last week, my dad informed me that due to he's not yet sure of enrolling me this coming semester because of financial concerns. My sister is also entering college this June.. And so, I prayed asking God to provide and bless me and my family.

Afternoon of that same day, an acquaintance when I was still in highschool texted me. When we were in high school, this girl has been telling me about her feelings through letters and gifts. She's been telling me that she loves me. She was “courting” me then. Hehe! I don't want to brag about this but it's true. We had no contact for a long time but a few months ago she got my contact from a friend and started texting me again. At first, she's texting me with “hello” and “Kumusta?” and to be polite I responded. But, maybe for two months now, she's been telling me about the same thing again that she loves me. I ignored it and told her about my conviction. Until last Thursday, she told me that she's about to go abroad and it will take her years to see me again and so she wants to be with me for just one whole day just the two of us. According to her, she wants the “whole” of me for that one whole day. We will stay in a hotel and she will take care of the bills. Shocking- I call it “indecent proposal”

Honestly, I was made to think about it. Somehow, I started considering it. I was on the brink of being tempted. I've been asking myself, “What if I will compromise just for this time and just repent after we're done? Besides, nobody will know it if I will not tell it to anybody”. I can hear a voice pushing me to give in. There was a battle going on in my mind. But after taking time to pray, verses from the Bible started to flash in my mind. God started to remind me about His words. Verses. like

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. 12 It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, 13 while we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, (Titus 2:11-13)

God also reminded me about His love and and my identity in Christ. He also reminded me of the commitment that I've made. Commitments like

To love God, obey Him and honor Him in everything.
God loves me so much to the point of giving His life for me. He deserves love,worship and honor. I asked myself,”If I will give in to this, will it show love and honor to God?” And the answer is obviously a big “NO”.

To wait for the woman that God has prepared for me and be faithful to her as early as NOW.

After all these dealings from God, I made my decision. I said “NO” to the girl's invitation. I told her that I can't do such a thing and sin against God. Truly, God's grace is sufficient. His power is made perfect in our weaknesses.

Now, for my financial problem, I claimed the promise in Deuteronomy 28 that if we carefully obey His commands He will bless us. Obedience brings blessing. I said, “Lord, what now? By your grace I obeyed you. You said that If I will obey You will bless me. I ask that you take care of my situation and bless me.”

God proved Himself faithful. He truly rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Early the next day, He miraculously provided for my need. HE IS FAITHFUL.


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